dcut --version (return code: 0)
dcut 0.2.1
dcut --help (return code: 0)
Usage: /usr/bin/dcut [options] [host] command [, command]
Supported options (see man page for long forms):
-c file Config file to parse.
-d Enable debug messages.
-h Display this help message.
-s Simulate the commands file creation only.
-v Display version information.
-m maintaineraddress
Use maintainer information in "Uploader:" field.
-k keyid
Use this keyid for signing.
-O file Write commands to file.
-U file Upload specified commands file (presently no checks).
-i changes
Upload a commands file to remove files listed in .changes.
Supported commands: mv, rm
(No paths or command-line options allowed on ftp-master.)