dcmsign --version (return code: 0)
$dcmtk: dcmsign v3.6.2 2017-07-14 $
dcmsign: Sign and Verify DICOM Files
Host type: Debian
Character encoding: US-ASCII
External libraries used:
- ZLIB, Version 1.2.11
- OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016
dcmsign --help (return code: 0)
$dcmtk: dcmsign v3.6.2 2017-07-14 $
dcmsign: Sign and Verify DICOM Files
usage: dcmsign [options] dcmfile-in [dcmfile-out]
dcmfile-in DICOM input filename to be processed
dcmfile-out DICOM output filename
general options:
-h --help print this help text and exit
--version print version information and exit
--arguments print expanded command line arguments
-q --quiet quiet mode, print no warnings and errors
-v --verbose verbose mode, print processing details
-d --debug debug mode, print debug information
-ll --log-level [l]evel: string constant
(fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
use level l for the logger
-lc --log-config [f]ilename: string
use config file f for the logger
input options:
input file format:
+f --read-file read file format or data set (default)
+fo --read-file-only read file format only
-f --read-dataset read data set without file meta information
input transfer syntax:
-t= --read-xfer-auto use TS recognition (default)
-td --read-xfer-detect ignore TS specified in the file meta header
-te --read-xfer-little read with explicit VR little endian TS
-tb --read-xfer-big read with explicit VR big endian TS
-ti --read-xfer-implicit read with implicit VR little endian TS
signature commands:
--verify verify all signatures (default)
+s --sign [p]rivate key file, [c]ertificate file: string
create signature in main object
+si --sign-item [k]eyfile, [c]ertfile, [i]tem location: string
create signature in sequence item
+r --remove [s]ignature UID: string
remove signature
+ra --remove-all remove all signatures from data set
signature creation options (only with --sign or --sign-item):
private key password:
+ps --std-passwd prompt user to type password on stdin (default)
+pw --use-passwd [p]assword: string
use specified password
-pw --null-passwd use empty string as password
key and certificate file format:
-pem --pem-keys read keys/certificates as PEM file (default)
-der --der-keys read keys/certificates as DER file
digital signature profile:
-pf --profile-none don't enforce any signature profile (default)
+pb --profile-base enforce base RSA signature profile
+pc --profile-creator enforce creator RSA signature profile
+pa --profile-auth enforce authorization signature profile
MAC algorithm:
+mr --mac-ripemd160 use RIPEMD 160 (default)
+ms --mac-sha1 use SHA-1
+mm --mac-md5 use MD 5
+m2 --mac-sha256 use SHA-256
+m3 --mac-sha384 use SHA-384
+m5 --mac-sha512 use SHA-512
tag selection:
-t --tag [t]ag: "gggg,eeee" or dictionary name
sign only specified tag
(this option can be specified multiple times)
-tf --tag-file [f]ilename: string
read list of tags from text file
signature format:
-fn --format-new use correct DICOM signature format (default)
-fo --format-old use old (pre-3.5.4) DCMTK signature format,
non-conformant if signature includes
compressed pixel data
output options:
output transfer syntax:
+t= --write-xfer-same write with same TS as input (default)
+te --write-xfer-little write with explicit VR little endian TS
+tb --write-xfer-big write with explicit VR big endian TS
+ti --write-xfer-implicit write with implicit VR little endian TS
length encoding in sequences and items:
+e --length-explicit write with explicit lengths (default)
-e --length-undefined write with undefined lengths
other output options:
+d --dump [f]ilename: string
dump byte stream fed into the MAC codec to file
(only with --sign or --sign-item)