dcmpsprt --version (return code: 0)
$dcmtk: dcmpsprt v3.6.2 2017-07-14 $
dcmpsprt: Read DICOM images and presentation states and render print job
Host type: Debian
Character encoding: US-ASCII
External libraries used:
- ZLIB, Version 1.2.11
dcmpsprt --help (return code: 0)
$dcmtk: dcmpsprt v3.6.2 2017-07-14 $
dcmpsprt: Read DICOM images and presentation states and render print job
usage: dcmpsprt [options] dcmfile-in...
dcmfile-in DICOM image file(s) to be printed
general options:
-h --help print this help text and exit
--version print version information and exit
--arguments print expanded command line arguments
-q --quiet quiet mode, print no warnings and errors
-v --verbose verbose mode, print processing details
-d --debug debug mode, print debug information
-ll --log-level [l]evel: string constant
(fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
use level l for the logger
-lc --log-config [f]ilename: string
use config file f for the logger
processing options:
+p --pstate [p]state file: string
render the following image with pres. state p
(this option can be specified multiple times)
-c --config [f]ilename: string
process using settings from configuration file f
-p --printer [n]ame: string (default: 1st printer in cfg file)
select printer with identifier n from cfg file
spooling options:
-s --spool spool print job to DICOM printer
--nospool do not spool print job to DICOM printer (default)
film orientation options:
--portrait set portrait orientation
--landscape set landscape orientation
--default-orientation use printer default (default)
trim (border) options:
--trim set trim on
--no-trim set trim off
--default-trim use printer default (default)
requested decimate/crop behaviour options:
--request-decimate request decimate
--request-crop request crop
--request-fail request failure
--default-request use printer default (default)
print presentation LUT options:
--default-plut do not create presentation LUT (default)
--identity set IDENTITY presentation LUT shape
--lin-od set LIN OD presentation LUT shape
--plut [l]ut identifier: string
add LUT [l] to print job
--inverse-plut render the inverse presentation LUT into the
bitmap of the hardcopy grayscale image
--illumination [v]alue: integer (0..65535)
set illumination to v (in cd/m^2)
--reflection [v]alue: integer (0..65535)
set reflected ambient light to v (in cd/m^2)
basic film session options (only with --spool):
--copies [v]alue: integer (1..100, default: 1)
set number of copies to v
--medium-type [v]alue: string
set medium type to v
--destination [v]alue: string
set film destination to v
--label [v]alue: string
set film session label to v
--priority [v]alue: string
set print priority to v
--owner [v]alue: string
set film session owner ID to v
annotation options:
--no-annotation do not create annotation (default)
-a --annotation [t]ext: string
create annotation with text t
+pd --print-date prepend date/time to annotation (default)
-pd --print-no-date do not prepend date/time to annotation
+pn --print-name prepend printer name to annotation (default)
-pn --print-no-name do not prepend printer name to annotation
+pl --print-lighting prepend illumination to annotation (default)
-pl --print-no-lighting do not prepend illumination to annotation
overlay options:
+O --overlay [f]ilename: string, [x] [y]: integer
load overlay data from PBM file f and
display at position (x,y)
+Og --ovl-graylevel [v]alue: integer (0..4095)
use overlay gray level v (default: 4095 = white)
other print options:
-l --layout [c]olumns [r]ows: integer (default: 1 1)
use 'STANDARD\c,r' image display format
--filmsize [v]alue: string
set film size ID to v
--magnification [v]alue: string
set magnification type to v
--smoothing [v]alue: string
set smoothing type to v
--configinfo [v]alue: string
set configuration information to v
--resolution [v]alue: string
set requested resolution ID to v
--border [v]alue: string
set border density to v
--empty-image [v]alue: string
set empty image density to v
--max-density [v]alue: string
set max density to v
--min-density [v]alue: string
set min density to v
--img-polarity [v]alue: string
set image box polarity to v (NORMAL or REVERSE)
--img-request-size [v]alue: string
set requested image size to v (width in mm)
--img-magnification [v]alue: string
set image box magnification type to v
--img-smoothing [v]alue: string
set image box smoothing type to v
--img-configinfo [v]alue: string
set image box configuration information to v