dblook --version (return code: 0)
java org.apache.derby.tools.dblook -d <source database url> [options]
where the source URL is the full URL, including the connection protocol
and any connection attributes that might apply. For example, use
'jdbc:derby:myDB', or 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/myDB;user=usr;'.
options include:
-z <schema name> to specify a schema to which the DDL generation
should be limited. Only database objects with that schema will have
their DDL generated.
-t <table one> <table two> ... to specify a list of tables for which
the DDL will be generated; any tables not in the list will be ignored.
-td <value> to specify what should be appended to the end
of each DDL statement.
This defaults to ';'.
-noview to prevent the generation of DDL for views.
-append to keep from overwriting the output files.
-verbose to have error messages printed to the console (in addition
to the log file). If not specified, errors will only be printed to the
log file.
-o <filename> to specify the file name to which the generated DDL
will be written.
If not specified, default is the console.
dblook -h (return code: 0)
java org.apache.derby.tools.dblook -d <source database url> [options]
where the source URL is the full URL, including the connection protocol
and any connection attributes that might apply. For example, use
'jdbc:derby:myDB', or 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/myDB;user=usr;'.
options include:
-z <schema name> to specify a schema to which the DDL generation
should be limited. Only database objects with that schema will have
their DDL generated.
-t <table one> <table two> ... to specify a list of tables for which
the DDL will be generated; any tables not in the list will be ignored.
-td <value> to specify what should be appended to the end
of each DDL statement.
This defaults to ';'.
-noview to prevent the generation of DDL for views.
-append to keep from overwriting the output files.
-verbose to have error messages printed to the console (in addition
to the log file). If not specified, errors will only be printed to the
log file.
-o <filename> to specify the file name to which the generated DDL
will be written.
If not specified, default is the console.