cuobjdump --version (return code: 0)
cuobjdump: NVIDIA (R) fat binary listing tool
Copyright (c) 2005-2016 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Sun_Sep__4_22:14:01_CDT_2016
Cuda compilation tools, release 8.0, V8.0.44
cuobjdump --help (return code: 0)
Usage : cuobjdump [options] <file>
--all-fatbin (-all)
Dump all fatbin sections. By default will only dump contents of executable
fatbin (if exists), else relocatable fatbin if no executable fatbin.
--dump-elf (-elf)
Dump ELF Object sections.
--dump-elf-symbols (-symbols)
Dump ELF symbol names.
--dump-ptx (-ptx)
Dump ptx for all listed device functions.
--dump-resource-usage (-res-usage)
Dump resource usage for each ELF. Useful in getting all the resource usage
information at one place.
--dump-sass (-sass)
Dump CUDA assembly for a single cubin file or all cubin files embedded in
the binary.
--extract-elf <partial file name>,... (-xelf)
Extract ELF file(s) name containing <partial file name> and save as file(s).
Use 'all' to extract all files. To get the list of ELF files use -lelf option.
Works with host executable/object/library and external fatbin. All 'dump'
and 'list' options are ignored with this option.
--extract-ptx <partial file name>,... (-xptx)
Extract PTX file(s) name containing <partial file name> and save as file(s).
Use 'all' to extract all files. To get the list of PTX files use -lptx option.
Works with host executable/object/library and external fatbin. All 'dump'
and 'list' options are ignored with this option.
--function <function name>,... (-fun)
Specify names of device functions whose fat binary structures must be dumped.
--function-index <function index> (-findex)
Specify symbol table index of the function whose fat binary structures must
be dumped.
--gpu-architecture <gpu architecture name> (-arch)
Specify GPU Architecture for which information should be dumped.
Allowed values for this option: 'sm_20','sm_21','sm_30','sm_32','sm_35',
--help (-h)
Print this help information on this tool.
--list-elf (-lelf)
List all the ELF files available in the fatbin. Works with host executable/object/library
and external fatbin. All other options are ignored with this flag. This can
be used to select particular ELF with -xelf option later.
--list-ptx (-lptx)
List all the PTX files available in the fatbin. Works with host executable/object/library
and external fatbin. All other options are ignored with this flag. This can
be used to select particular PTX with -xptx option later.
--options-file <file>,... (-optf)
Include command line options from specified file.
--sort-functions (-sort)
Sort functions when dumping sass.
--version (-V)
Print version information on this tool.