crip --version (return code: 0)
cddb: checking for os ... Linux (x86_64) [little endian] [64 bit]
crip v3.9 (
crip --help (return code: 0)
cddb: checking for os ... Linux (x86_64) [little endian] [64 bit]
/usr/bin/crip [options]
-h, --help Print this help then exit
-i, --info Print crip variable information then exit
-v, --version Print version of crip then exit
-e codec Encode to vorbis or flac (default = vorbis)
-s media Specify the source media (default = CD)
-g genre Specify the music genre (default = classical)
-q [on/off] Classical-style questioning (default = off)
-m [on/off] Map European to American-only chars (default = off)
-t [on/off] Trim leading/trailing silence (default = off)
-n [on/off] Normalize the audio (default = off)
-V volthresh Volume threshold for normalizing (default = 1.078)
(only used when normalizing is enabled)
-r [on/off] Remove files after encoding (default = on)
-E editor Editor to use (default = sensible-editor)
-u [on/off/both] Use editor to name the files (default = on)
(as opposed to the command-line)
-o " flags" Flags to pass to oggenc (default = '-q 5')
-f " flags" Flags to pass to flac (default = '--best --replay-gain')
-c " flags" Flags to pass to cdparanoia (default = '-v -z')
-d device CDrom device to read from (default = /dev/cdrom)
-w [on/off] Skip the ripping (makes empty .wav files) (default = off)
(useful if you already have the .wav files to encode)
-p [on/off] Prompt to continue after ripping (default = off)
(useful pause to edit .wav files before encoding)
-x [on/off] Eject CD when done ripping (default = off)
-P proxyserver Pass an http proxy to CDDB_get if necessary