cpfind --version (return code: 0)
Hugin's cpfind 2017.0.0.eac5e8cc546e
based on Pan-o-matic by Anael Orlinski
cpfind --help (return code: 0)
Hugin's cpfind 2017.0.0.eac5e8cc546e
based on Pan-o-matic by Anael Orlinski
Basic usage:
cpfind -o output_project project.pto
cpfind -k i0 -k i1 ... -k in project.pto
cpfind --kall project.pto
The input project file is required.
General options
-q|--quiet Do not output progress
-v|--verbose Verbose output
-h|--help Shows this help screen
--version Prints the version number and exits then
-o|--output=<string> Sets the filename of the output file
(default: default.pto)
Matching strategy (these options are mutually exclusive)
--linearmatch Enable linear images matching
Can be fine tuned with
--linearmatchlen=<int> Number of images to match (default: 1)
--multirow Enable heuristic multi row matching
--prealigned Match only overlapping images,
requires a rough aligned panorama
Feature description options
--sieve1width=<int> Sieve 1: Number of buckets on width (default: 10)
--sieve1height=<int> Sieve 1: Number of buckets on height (default: 10)
--sieve1size=<int> Sieve 1: Max points per bucket (default: 100)
--kdtreesteps=<int> KDTree: search steps (default: 200)
--kdtreeseconddist=<double> KDTree: distance of 2nd match (default: 0.25)
Feature matching options
--ransaciter=<int> Ransac: iterations (default: 1000)
--ransacdist=<int> Ransac: homography estimation distance threshold
(in pixels) (default: 25)
--ransacmode=<string> Ransac: Select the mode used in the ransac step.
Possible values: auto, hom, rpy, rpyv, rpyb
(default: auto)
--minmatches=<int> Minimum matches (default: 6)
--sieve2width=<int> Sieve 2: Number of buckets on width (default: 5)
--sieve2height=<int> Sieve 2: Number of buckets on height (default: 5)
--sieve2size=<int> Sieve 2: Max points per bucket (default: 1)
Caching options
-c|--cache Caches keypoints to external file
--clean Clean up cached keyfiles
-p|--keypath=<string> Store keyfiles in given path
-k|--writekeyfile=<int> Write a keyfile for this image number
--kall Write keyfiles for all images in the project
Advanced options
--celeste Masks area with clouds before running feature descriptor
Celeste can be fine tuned with the following parameters
--celestethreshold=<int> Threshold for celeste (default 0.5)
--celesteradius=<int> Radius for celeste (in pixels, default 20)
--ncores=<int> Number of threads to use (default: autodetect number of cores)