cpclean -V (return code: 1)
cpclean: unrecognized option '--version'
cpclean --help (return code: 0)
cpclean: remove wrong control points by statistic method
cpclean version 2017.0.0.eac5e8cc546e
Usage: cpclean [options] input.pto
CPClean uses statistical methods to remove wrong control points
Step 1 optimises all images pairs, calculates for each pair mean
and standard deviation and removes all control points
with error bigger than mean+n*sigma
Step 2 optimises the whole panorama, calculates mean and standard deviation
for all control points and removes all control points with error
bigger than mean+n*sigma
--output|-o file.pto Output Hugin PTO file.
Default: '<filename>_clean.pto'.
--max-distance|-n num distance factor for checking (default: 2)
--pairwise-checking|-p do only pairwise optimisation (skip step 2)
--whole-pano-checking|-w do optimise whole panorama (skip step 1)
--dont-optimize|-s skip optimisation step when optimisation the
whole panorama
--check-line-cp|-l also include line control points for calculation
and filtering in step 2
--verbose|-v verbose output during optimisation
--help|-h shows help