cpack --version (return code: 0)
cpack version 3.5.1
CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (
cpack --help (return code: 0)
cpack -G <generator> [options]
-G <generator> = Use the specified generator to generate
-C <Configuration> = Specify the project configuration
-D <var>=<value> = Set a CPack variable.
--config <config file> = Specify the config file.
--verbose,-V = enable verbose output
--debug = enable debug output (for CPack developers)
-P <package name> = override/define CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME
-R <package version> = override/define CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION
-B <package directory> = override/define CPACK_PACKAGE_DIRECTORY
--vendor <vendor name> = override/define CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR
--help,-help,-usage,-h,-H,/? = Print usage information and exit.
--version,-version,/V [<f>] = Print version number and exit.
--help-full [<f>] = Print all help manuals and exit.
--help-manual <man> [<f>] = Print one help manual and exit.
--help-manual-list [<f>] = List help manuals available and exit.
--help-command <cmd> [<f>] = Print help for one command and exit.
--help-command-list [<f>] = List commands with help available and exit.
--help-commands [<f>] = Print cmake-commands manual and exit.
--help-module <mod> [<f>] = Print help for one module and exit.
--help-module-list [<f>] = List modules with help available and exit.
--help-modules [<f>] = Print cmake-modules manual and exit.
--help-policy <cmp> [<f>] = Print help for one policy and exit.
--help-policy-list [<f>] = List policies with help available and exit.
--help-policies [<f>] = Print cmake-policies manual and exit.
--help-property <prop> [<f>] = Print help for one property and exit.
--help-property-list [<f>] = List properties with help available and
--help-properties [<f>] = Print cmake-properties manual and exit.
--help-variable var [<f>] = Print help for one variable and exit.
--help-variable-list [<f>] = List variables with help available and exit.
--help-variables [<f>] = Print cmake-variables manual and exit.
7Z = 7-Zip file format
DEB = Debian packages
IFW = Qt Installer Framework
NSIS = Null Soft Installer
NSIS64 = Null Soft Installer (64-bit)
RPM = RPM packages
STGZ = Self extracting Tar GZip compression
TBZ2 = Tar BZip2 compression
TGZ = Tar GZip compression
TXZ = Tar XZ compression
TZ = Tar Compress compression
ZIP = ZIP file format