coqtop.byte --version (return code: 0)
The Coq Proof Assistant, version 8.6 (July 2017)
compiled on Jul 27 2017 8:50:48 with OCaml 4.04.0
coqtop.byte --help (return code: 1)
Usage: coqtop <options>
Coq options are:
-I dir look for ML files in dir
-include dir (idem)
-R dir coqdir recursively map physical dir to logical coqdir
-Q dir coqdir map physical dir to logical coqdir
-top coqdir set the toplevel name to be coqdir instead of Top
-notop set the toplevel name to be the empty logical path
-exclude-dir f exclude subdirectories named f for option -R
-noinit start without loading the Init library
-nois (idem)
-compat X.Y provides compatibility support for Coq version X.Y
-load-ml-object f load ML object file f
-load-ml-source f load ML file f
-load-vernac-source f load Coq file f.v (Load f.)
-l f (idem)
-load-vernac-source-verbose f load Coq file f.v (Load Verbose f.)
-lv f (idem)
-load-vernac-object f load Coq object file f.vo
-require path load Coq library path and import it (Require Import path.)
-compile f.v compile Coq file f.v (implies -batch)
-compile-verbose f.v verbosely compile Coq file f.v (implies -batch)
-o f.vo use f.vo as the output file name
-quick quickly compile .v files to .vio files (skip proofs)
-schedule-vio2vo j f1..fn run up to j instances of Coq to turn each fi.vio
into fi.vo
-schedule-vio-checking j f1..fn run up to j instances of Coq to check all
proofs in each fi.vio
-where print Coq's standard library location and exit
-config, --config print Coq's configuration information and exit
-v print Coq version and exit
-list-tags print highlight color tags known by Coq and exit
-quiet unset display of extra information (implies -w "-all")
-w (w1,..,wn) configure display of warnings
-color (yes|no|auto) configure color output
-q skip loading of rcfile
-init-file f set the rcfile to f
-batch batch mode (exits just after arguments parsing)
-boot boot mode (implies -q and -batch)
-bt print backtraces (requires configure debug flag)
-debug debug mode (implies -bt)
-emacs tells Coq it is executed under Emacs
-noglob do not dump globalizations
-dump-glob f dump globalizations in file f (to be used by coqdoc)
-with-geoproof (yes|no) to (de)activate special functions for Geoproof within Coqide (default is yes)
-impredicative-set set sort Set impredicative
-indices-matter levels of indices (and nonuniform parameters) contribute to the level of inductives
-type-in-type disable universe consistency checking
-xml export XML files either to the hierarchy rooted in
the directory $COQ_XML_LIBRARY_ROOT (if set) or to
stdout (if unset)
-time display the time taken by each command
-profile-ltac display the time taken by each (sub)tactic
-m, --memory display total heap size at program exit
(use environment variable
for full Gc stats dump)
-native-compiler precompile files for the native_compute machinery
-h, -help, --help print this list of options
With the flag '-toploop coqidetop' these extra option are also available:
--help-XML-protocol print the documentation of the XML protocol used by CoqIDE