config_data -V (return code: 255)
Exactly one of the options 'feature', 'config', 'set_feature', 'set_config' must be specified
Usage: /usr/bin/config_data [options]
Options include:
--config Print the value of a config option
--eval eval() config values before setting
--feature Print the value of a feature or all features
--help Print a help message and exit
--module <string> The name of the module to configure (required)
--set_config <string>=<value> Set a config option to the given value
--set_feature <string>=<value> Set a feature to 'true' or 'false'
/usr/bin/config_data --module Foo::Bar --feature bazzable
/usr/bin/config_data --module Foo::Bar --config magic_number
/usr/bin/config_data --module Foo::Bar --set_feature bazzable=1
/usr/bin/config_data --module Foo::Bar --set_config magic_number=42
config_data --help (return code: 0)
Usage: /usr/bin/config_data [options]
Options include:
--config Print the value of a config option
--eval eval() config values before setting
--feature Print the value of a feature or all features
--help Print a help message and exit
--module <string> The name of the module to configure (required)
--set_config <string>=<value> Set a config option to the given value
--set_feature <string>=<value> Set a feature to 'true' or 'false'
/usr/bin/config_data --module Foo::Bar --feature bazzable
/usr/bin/config_data --module Foo::Bar --config magic_number
/usr/bin/config_data --module Foo::Bar --set_feature bazzable=1
/usr/bin/config_data --module Foo::Bar --set_config magic_number=42