codelite-make -V (return code: 255)
Unexpected parameter 'version'
Usage: codelite-make [-h] -w <str> -c <str> [-d <str>] [-p <str>] [-v] [-e] [-s <str>]
-h, --help show this help message
-w, --workspace=<str> codelite workspace file
-c, --config=<str> configuration name to generate
-d, --command=<str> which command to run? possible values are: build, clean or rebuild. The default is to build
-p, --project=<str> project to build, if non given codelite will build the active project as defined in the workspace
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode and print all log lines to the stdout/stderr
-e, --execute Instead of printing the command line, execute it
-s, --settings=<str> The full path of the build_settings.xml file.
By default, codelite-make will load the compiler definitions from
%appdata%\codelite\config\build_settings.xml (or the equivalent path on
Unix systems). Passing -s|--settings will override the default search
A makefile generator based on codelite's workspace
codelite-make help (return code: 255)
Unexpected parameter 'help'
Usage: codelite-make [-h] -w <str> -c <str> [-d <str>] [-p <str>] [-v] [-e] [-s <str>]
-h, --help show this help message
-w, --workspace=<str> codelite workspace file
-c, --config=<str> configuration name to generate
-d, --command=<str> which command to run? possible values are: build, clean or rebuild. The default is to build
-p, --project=<str> project to build, if non given codelite will build the active project as defined in the workspace
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode and print all log lines to the stdout/stderr
-e, --execute Instead of printing the command line, execute it
-s, --settings=<str> The full path of the build_settings.xml file.
By default, codelite-make will load the compiler definitions from
%appdata%\codelite\config\build_settings.xml (or the equivalent path on
Unix systems). Passing -s|--settings will override the default search
A makefile generator based on codelite's workspace