cme version (return code: 0)
cme (App::Cme) version 1.022 (/usr/bin/cme)
cme -h (return code: 0)
cme <command> [-?h] [long options...]
-? -h --help show help
Available commands:
commands: list the application's commands
help: display a command's help screen
check: Check the configuration of an application
dump: Dump the configuration of an application
edit: Edit the configuration of an application
fix: Fix the configuration of an application
fusefs: Edit the configuration of an application with fuse
gen-class-pod: Generates pod doc from model files
list: List applications handled by cme
migrate: Migrate the configuration of an application
modify: Modify the configuration of an application
run: Run a cme script
search: Search the configuration of an application
shell: Edit the configuration of an application with a shell
update: Update the configuration of an application