cloudflared --version (return code: 0)
cloudflared version 2018.6.2 (built 2018-06-15-0929 UTC)
cloudflared --help (return code: 0)
cloudflared - Cloudflare reverse tunnelling proxy agent
cloudflared [global options] command [command options] origin-url
2018.6.2 (built 2018-06-15-0929 UTC)
A reverse tunnel proxy agent that connects to Cloudflare's infrastructure.
Upon connecting, you are assigned a unique subdomain on
You need to specify a hostname on a zone you control.
A DNS record will be created to CNAME your hostname to the unique subdomain on
Requests made to Cloudflare's servers for your hostname will be proxied
through the tunnel to your local webserver.
update Update the agent if a new version exists
login Generate a configuration file with your login details
hello Run a simple "Hello World" server for testing Argo Tunnel.
proxy-dns Run a DNS over HTTPS proxy server.
service Manages the Argo Tunnel system service
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--config value Specifies a config file in YAML format.
--autoupdate-freq value Autoupdate frequency. Default is 24h. (default: 24h0m0s)
--no-autoupdate Disable periodic check for updates, restarting the server with the new version. (default: false)
--origincert value Path to the certificate generated for your origin when you run cloudflared login. [$TUNNEL_ORIGIN_CERT]
--origin-ca-pool value Path to the CA for the certificate of your origin. This option should be used only if your certificate is not signed by Cloudflare. [$TUNNEL_ORIGIN_CA_POOL]
--url URL Connect to the local webserver at URL. (default: "https://localhost:8080") [$TUNNEL_URL]
--hostname value Set a hostname on a Cloudflare zone to route traffic through this tunnel. [$TUNNEL_HOSTNAME]
--origin-server-name value Hostname on the origin server certificate. [$TUNNEL_ORIGIN_SERVER_NAME]
--lb-pool value The name of a (new/existing) load balancing pool to add this origin to. [$TUNNEL_LB_POOL]
--metrics value Listen address for metrics reporting. (default: "localhost:") [$TUNNEL_METRICS]
--metrics-update-freq value Frequency to update tunnel metrics (default: 5s) [$TUNNEL_METRICS_UPDATE_FREQ]
--tag KEY=VALUE Custom tags used to identify this tunnel, in format KEY=VALUE. Multiple tags may be specified [$TUNNEL_TAG]
--loglevel value Application logging level {panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug} (default: "info") [$TUNNEL_LOGLEVEL]
--proto-loglevel value Protocol logging level {panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug} (default: "warn") [$TUNNEL_PROTO_LOGLEVEL]
--retries value Maximum number of retries for connection/protocol errors. (default: 5) [$TUNNEL_RETRIES]
--hello-world Run Hello World Server (default: false) [$TUNNEL_HELLO_WORLD]
--pidfile value Write the application's PID to this file after first successful connection. [$TUNNEL_PIDFILE]
--logfile value Save application log to this file for reporting issues. [$TUNNEL_LOGFILE]
--proxy-connect-timeout value HTTP proxy timeout for establishing a new connection (default: 30s)
--proxy-tls-timeout value HTTP proxy timeout for completing a TLS handshake (default: 10s)
--proxy-tcp-keepalive value HTTP proxy TCP keepalive duration (default: 30s)
--proxy-no-happy-eyeballs HTTP proxy should disable "happy eyeballs" for IPv4/v6 fallback (default: false)
--proxy-keepalive-connections value HTTP proxy maximum keepalive connection pool size (default: 100)
--proxy-keepalive-timeout value HTTP proxy timeout for closing an idle connection (default: 1m30s)
--proxy-dns Run a DNS over HTTPS proxy server. (default: false) [$TUNNEL_DNS]
--proxy-dns-port value Listen on given port for the DNS over HTTPS proxy server. (default: 53) [$TUNNEL_DNS_PORT]
--proxy-dns-address value Listen address for the DNS over HTTPS proxy server. (default: "localhost") [$TUNNEL_DNS_ADDRESS]
--proxy-dns-upstream value Upstream endpoint URL, you can specify multiple endpoints for redundancy. (default: "", "") [$TUNNEL_DNS_UPSTREAM]
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)
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