clip -V (return code: 2)
clip: must specify at least one of -l or -g or -s or -e options.
clip (return code: 1)
Usage: clip [-v axisx,y,z,...] [-g value] [-l value] [-s nslices[,fraction]]
[-sph centerx,y,z,...] [-cyl centerx,y,z,...] [-e] [file.oogl]
Reads an OOGL object from file.oogl (or stdin if omitted).
Slices it against a (series of) planes whose normal vectors are given
by the -v argument (default 1,0,0,0,...).
Given -g, selects portions where <point> dot <vector> > <pvalue>.
Given -l, selects portions where <point> dot <vector> < <nvalue>.
Given both, takes the portion lying between those two values.
With -s, emits a series of slices spaced <spacing> units apart.
With -e, emits just two numbers instead of geometry: range of function-values
which the object spans.
-sph : Slice against a sphere, not a plane. -g/-l gives radius.
-cyl x,y,z... : Slice against a cylinder whose axis passes through x,y,z...
-v gives axis direction, -g/-l radius.