clementine --version (return code: 0)
Clementine 1.3.1
clementine -h (return code: 1)
Usage: clementine [options] [URL(s)]
Player options:
-p, --play Start the playlist currently playing
-t, --play-pause Play if stopped, pause if playing
-u, --pause Pause playback
-s, --stop Stop playback
-q, --stop-after-current Stop playback after current track
-r, --previous Skip backwards in playlist
-f, --next Skip forwards in playlist
-v, --volume <value> Set the volume to <value> percent
--volume-up Increase the volume by 4%
--volume-down Decrease the volume by 4%
--volume-increase-by Increase the volume by <value> percent
--volume-decrease-by Decrease the volume by <value> percent
--seek-to <seconds> Seek the currently playing track to an absolute position
--seek-by <seconds> Seek the currently playing track by a relative amount
--restart-or-previous Restart the track, or play the previous track if within 8 seconds of start.
Playlist options:
-c, --create <name> Create a new playlist with files/URLs
-a, --append Append files/URLs to the playlist
-l, --load Loads files/URLs, replacing current playlist
-k, --play-track <n> Play the <n>th track in the playlist
Other options:
-o, --show-osd Display the on-screen-display
-y, --toggle-pretty-osd Toggle visibility for the pretty on-screen-display
-g, --language <lang> Change the language
--quiet Equivalent to --log-levels *:1
--verbose Equivalent to --log-levels *:3
--log-levels <levels> Comma separated list of class:level, level is 0-3
--version Print out version information