chromium-browser -version (return code: 0)
Chromium 55.0.2883.87 Built on Ubuntu , running on Ubuntu 16.04
chromium-browser --help (return code: 0)
chromium-browser [-h|--help] [-g|--debug] [--temp-profile] [--no-touch-pinch] [options] [URL]
--verbose Events logged to stderr.
-g or --debug Start within /usr/bin/gdb
-h or --help This help screen
--temp-profile Start with a new and temporary profile
--no-touch-pinch Disable pinch gestures.
Other supported options are:
<standard input>:113: warning [p 2, 7.8i]: cannot adjust line
Chromium has hundreds of undocumented command-line flags that are added
and removed at the whim of the developers. Here, we document rela‐
tively stable flags.
Specifies the directory that user data (your "profile") is kept
in. Defaults to ~/.config/chromium . Separate instances of
Chromium must use separate user data directories; repeated invo‐
cations of chromium-browser will reuse an existing process for a
given user data directory.
Runs URL in "app mode": with no browser toolbars.
Open in incognito mode.
Specify the HTTP/SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxy server to use for requests.
This overrides any environment variables or settings picked via
the options dialog. An individual proxy server is specified
using the format:
Where <proxy-scheme> is the protocol of the proxy server, and is
one of:
"http", "socks", "socks4", "socks5".
If the <proxy-scheme> is omitted, it defaults to "http". Also
note that "socks" is equivalent to "socks5".
Use the HTTP proxy "foopy:99" to load all URLs.
Use the SOCKS v5 proxy "foobar:1080" to load all URLs.
Use the SOCKS v4 proxy "foobar:1080" to load all URLs.
Use the SOCKS v5 proxy "foobar:66" to load all URLs.
It is also possible to specify a separate proxy server for dif‐
ferent URL types, by prefixing the proxy server specifier with a
URL specifier:
Load https://* URLs using the HTTP proxy "proxy1:80". And
load http://*
URLs using the SOCKS v4 proxy "baz:1080".
Disables the proxy server. Overrides any environment variables
or settings picked via the options dialog.
Autodetect proxy configuration. Overrides any environment vari‐
ables or settings picked via the options dialog.
Specify proxy autoconfiguration URL. Overrides any environment
variables or settings picked via the options dialog.
Set the password store to use. The default is to automatically
detect based on the desktop environment. basic selects the
built in, unencrypted password store. gnome selects Gnome
keyring. kwallet selects (KDE) KWallet. (Note that KWallet may
not work reliably outside KDE.)
Show version information.
As a GTK+ app, Chromium also obeys GTK+ command-line flags, such as
--display. See the GTK documentation for more:
See 'man chromium-browser' for more details