cache2gtiff -V (return code: 255)
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
Failed to open
****** cache2gtiff, Version 1.8.1 ******
cache2gtiff (return code: 255)
usage: cache2gtiff -a level lon1 lat1 lon2 lat2 -c <path> -i <file|url> -o <file>
-a The level and the area to export.
The level is an integer from 1..19
All lon/lat values are in degree
lon1, lat1 is the top left corner of the area
lon2, lat2 is the bottom right corner of the area
-c The path to the tile cache
-i The xml definition or an url of the server
-o the target geotiff filename
****** cache2gtiff, Version 1.8.1 ******