btsco -V (return code: 1)
btsco: invalid option -- '-'
btsco bluetooth audio handler
btsco [options] <bdaddr> [channel]
-v print verbose output
-r automatically reconnect upon lost rfcomm channel
-f fork and run as a daemon
-c clear filehandle and exit
-s indicate status by creating the file /tmp/bt_headset_connected
-i hciX : use interface hciX
-h print this usage and exit
The headset channel will be automatically detected if not specified
btsco -h (return code: 0)
btsco bluetooth audio handler
btsco [options] <bdaddr> [channel]
-v print verbose output
-r automatically reconnect upon lost rfcomm channel
-f fork and run as a daemon
-c clear filehandle and exit
-s indicate status by creating the file /tmp/bt_headset_connected
-i hciX : use interface hciX
-h print this usage and exit
The headset channel will be automatically detected if not specified