bootnode -V (return code: 2)
flag provided but not defined: -version
Usage of bootnode:
-addr string
listen address (default ":30301")
-genkey string
generate a node key
-nat string
port mapping mechanism (any|none|upnp|pmp|extip:<IP>) (default "none")
-netrestrict string
restrict network communication to the given IP networks (CIDR masks)
-nodekey string
private key filename
-nodekeyhex string
private key as hex (for testing)
run a v5 topic discovery bootnode
-verbosity int
log verbosity (0-9) (default 3)
-vmodule string
log verbosity pattern
write out the node's pubkey hash and quit
bootnode --help (return code: 2)
Usage of bootnode:
-addr string
listen address (default ":30301")
-genkey string
generate a node key
-nat string
port mapping mechanism (any|none|upnp|pmp|extip:<IP>) (default "none")
-netrestrict string
restrict network communication to the given IP networks (CIDR masks)
-nodekey string
private key filename
-nodekeyhex string
private key as hex (for testing)
run a v5 topic discovery bootnode
-verbosity int
log verbosity (0-9) (default 3)
-vmodule string
log verbosity pattern
write out the node's pubkey hash and quit