bogotune-bdb --version (return code: 0)
bogotune version 1.2.4
Database: Berkeley DB 5.3.28: (September 9, 2013) AUTO-XA
Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Greg Louis, David Relson
bogofilter comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and
you are welcome to redistribute it under the General Public License. See
the COPYING file with the source distribution for details.
bogotune-bdb --help (return code: 3)
Usage: bogotune [options] { -c config } { -d directory } -n non-spam-file -s spam-file
-h - print this help message.
-C - don't read standard config files.
-c file - read specified config file.
-D - don't read a wordlist file.
-d path - specify directory for wordlists.
-E - disable ESF (effective size factor) tuning.
-M file - rewrite input file in message count format.
-r num - specify robx value
-T num - specify fp target value
-s file1 file2 ... - spam files
-n file1 file2 ... - non-spam files
-v - increase level of verbose messages
-q - quiet (suppress warnings)
bogotune (version 1.2.4) is part of the bogofilter package.