bibexport --version (return code: 0)
This is bibexport v3.02 (released 2016/03/02)
bibexport --help (return code: 0)
bibexport: a tool to extract BibTeX entries out of .bib files.
usage: bibexport [-h|v|n|c|a|d|s|t] [-b|e|es|ec|o|r file] file...
Basic options:
-a, --all export the entire .bib files
-o bib, --output-file bib write output to file [default: bibexport.bib]
-t, --terse operate silently
-h, --help print this message and exit
-v, --version print version number and exit
Advanced options:
-b bst, --bst bst specifies the .bst style file [default: export.bst]
-c, --crossref preserve crossref field [default: no]
-n, --no-crossref remove crossref'd entries [default: no]
-e bib, --extra bib extra .bib file to be used (crossrefs and strings)
-es bib, --extras bib extra .bib file to be used (for strings)
-ec bib, --extrac bib extra .bib file to be used (for crossrefs)
-p, --preamble write a preamble at beginning of output
-r bib, --replace bib replace .bib file(s) in the .aux file
-d, --debug create intermediate files but don't run BibTeX