autosupport -V (return code: -15)
This script will try to collect the following pieces of
information from your system.
1. Information about your system such as:
pci listing, dmesg, running processes, and kernel version
2. A backup of elements of your configuration such as:
asterisk config files, license files, loaded dahdi module
parameters, and other asterisk/dahdi related files.
Collect this information [y/n] ?
autosupport --help (return code: 0)
Digium autosupport script
Copyright (C) 2005-2016, Digium, Inc.
Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
usage: autosupport [prefix]
Valid Options:
[prefix] Prefix to apply to output files
May be your existing Digium Technical Support Ticket ID
-n, --non-interactive Run without requiring user input
-h, --help Show help about options
autosupport XXXXXXXX