autopsy -V (return code: 1)
Invalid flag: --version
usage: /usr/bin/autopsy [-c] [-C] [-d evid_locker] [-i device filesystem mnt] [-p port] [remoteaddr]
-c: force a cookie in the URL
-C: force NO cookie in the URL
-d dir: specify the evidence locker directory
-i device filesystem mnt: Specify info for live analysis
-p port: specify the server port (default: 9999)
remoteaddr: specify the host with the browser (default: localhost)
autopsy --help (return code: 1)
Invalid flag: --help
usage: /usr/bin/autopsy [-c] [-C] [-d evid_locker] [-i device filesystem mnt] [-p port] [remoteaddr]
-c: force a cookie in the URL
-C: force NO cookie in the URL
-d dir: specify the evidence locker directory
-i device filesystem mnt: Specify info for live analysis
-p port: specify the server port (default: 9999)
remoteaddr: specify the host with the browser (default: localhost)