asterisk-config-custom --version (return code: 0)
asterisk-config-custom {command}
Where 'command' is 'init', 'next', 'sync' or 'help'
init: Creates directory 'my-asterisk-config' with content
next: Provides instruction for next step
sync: Mostly `rsync --archive /etc/asterisk etc_asterisk`
help: Prints _another_ help text
asterisk-config-custom --help (return code: 0)
asterisk-config-custom {command}
Where 'command' is 'init', 'next', 'sync' or 'help'
init: Creates directory 'my-asterisk-config' with content
next: Provides instruction for next step
sync: Mostly `rsync --archive /etc/asterisk etc_asterisk`
help: Prints _another_ help text