apertium-postchunk -V (return code: 1)
apertium-postchunk: invalid option -- '-'
USAGE: apertium-postchunk [-z] t3x preproc [input [output]]
t3x t3x rules file
preproc result of preprocess trules file
input input file, standard input by default
output output file, standard output by default
-z flush buffer on '
apertium-postchunk --help (return code: 1)
apertium-postchunk: invalid option -- '-'
USAGE: apertium-postchunk [-z] t3x preproc [input [output]]
t3x t3x rules file
preproc result of preprocess trules file
input input file, standard input by default
output output file, standard output by default
-z flush buffer on '