alevt -V (return code: 2)
alevt: --version: invalid option
alevt -h (return code: 0)
Usage: alevt [options]
Valid options: Default:
-c <channel name> (none;dvb only)
-ch -child <> (none)
-cs -charset latin-1
-h -help
-o <outfile> (none;dvb only)
-p -parent <> 900
-s -sid <sid> (none;dvb only)
-t -ttpid <ttpid> (none;dvb only)
-v -vbi <vbidev> /dev/vbi
/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 stands for a page number and an
optional subpage number (Example: 123.4).
The -child option requires a parent
window. So it must be preceded by
a parent or another child window.