album --version (return code: 0)
This is album v4.15 on linux
Copyright: (c) 2000-2008 David Ljung Madison
Please see:
% album -license
album -h (return code: 0)
This is album v4.15 on linux
Usage: album [-d] [--scale_opts .. --] [options] <dir>
Makes a photo album
All boolean options can be turned off with '-no_<option>'
(Some are default on, defaults shown in [brackets])
-h Show usage
-more To show more options.
-lang <lang> Specify language(s)
-conf <file> Read a .conf file
-version Display program version info
-mv Move imgs across albums: see 'album -plugin_info utils/mv'
Album Options:
-medium <geom> Generate medium size images
-slideshow Slideshow capabilities (only with some themes) [OFF]
-embed Use image pages for non-picture image pages [ON]
-clean Remove unused thumbnails [OFF]
-caption_edit Add comment tags so that caption_edit.cgi will work [OFF]
--exif <fmt> Append exif info to captions. Use %key 0n fmt string
Example: -exif "<br>Camera: %Camera model%"
If any %keys 0x0p+0re not found by jhead, nothing is appended.
--add <dir> Add a new directory to the album it's been placed in
-burn Setup an album to burn to CD
Implies '-index index.html' and '-no_theme_url' [OFF]
Thumbnail Options:
-geometry <X>x<Y> Size of thumbnail [133x133]
-type Thumbnail type (gif, jpg, tiff,...) [jpg]
-medium_type Medium type (default is same type as full image)
-crop Crop the image to fit thumbnail size
otherwise aspect will be maintained [OFF]
-dir Thumbnail directory [tn]
-animated_gifs Take first frame of animated gifs (only some systems) [OFF]
Plugin and Theme Options:
--data_path Path for themes, plugins, language files, etc...
[/etc/album /usr/share/album /root/.album]
-plugin <plugin> Load a plugin
-plugin_usage <plugin> Show usage for a plugin
-theme <dir> Specify a theme directory
Dashdash options (--opt) can be specified two ways:
With one argument: '-exif hi -exif there'
With mult. arguments: '--exif hi there --'
Copyright: (c) 2000-2008 David Ljung Madison
Please see:
% album -license