afio -VERSION (return code: 0)
afio: Version 2.5.1dev dated >05 Feb 2012
afio --help (return code: 1)
Usage: [filename generator] | afio -o [options] archive : write archive
afio -i [options] archive : install archive
afio -t [options] archive : list table-of-contents of archive
afio -r [options] archive : verify archive against filesystem
Frequently used options:
General: -v : verbose
-Z : with -o: gzip files when writing them to the archive,
with -i/t/r: handle archive written with -Z option
-5 : abort instead of creating archive incompatible with cpio
Tape: -s [volsize] : size of volume, can have suffix k or m or g
-b [blocksize] : block size (default is 5120)
-c [count] : buffer count blocks between doing I/O
Install: -n : protect newer files -k : skip corrupt data at beginning
Select: -y [pattern] : only process files matching pattern
-Y [pattern] : do not process files matching pattern
Version 2.5.1dev dated >05 Feb 2012