PTmasker -V (return code: 1)
PTmasker: invalid option -- '-'
PTmasker Version 2.9.19 , originally written by Helmut Dersch, rewritten by Daniel M German
PTmasker [options] <tiffFiles>+
-p <prefix> Prefix for output files (defaults to masked%4d)
-e <feather> Size of the feather (defaults to zero)
-f Force processing (do not stop at warnings)
-x Delete source files (use with care)
-q Quiet run
-h Show this message
-z Enable Extended depth of field
-m Focus estimation mask type
0 hard-edged masks, mutually exclusive
1 hard-edged masks, stack of nested masks
2 blended masks, stack of nested masks
2 is default & strongly recommended -- this option includes a smoothing computation that seems to help a lot.
-w <integer> Focus estimation window size. Only available if -z
Recommended value is 0.5% of image width, e.g. 4 pixels for an 800-pixel image
. Computation cost for focus estimation increases proportional to N^2. Default w4.
-s <integer> Smoothing window size, Only available if -z
Recommended value is 0.5% of image width, e.g. 4 pixels for an 800-pixel image
. Computation cost for focus estimation increases proportional to N^2. Default w4.
PTmasker -h (return code: 0)
PTmasker Version 2.9.19 , originally written by Helmut Dersch, rewritten by Daniel M German
PTmasker [options] <tiffFiles>+
-p <prefix> Prefix for output files (defaults to masked%4d)
-e <feather> Size of the feather (defaults to zero)
-f Force processing (do not stop at warnings)
-x Delete source files (use with care)
-q Quiet run
-h Show this message
-z Enable Extended depth of field
-m Focus estimation mask type
0 hard-edged masks, mutually exclusive
1 hard-edged masks, stack of nested masks
2 blended masks, stack of nested masks
2 is default & strongly recommended -- this option includes a smoothing computation that seems to help a lot.
-w <integer> Focus estimation window size. Only available if -z
Recommended value is 0.5% of image width, e.g. 4 pixels for an 800-pixel image
. Computation cost for focus estimation increases proportional to N^2. Default w4.
-s <integer> Smoothing window size, Only available if -z
Recommended value is 0.5% of image width, e.g. 4 pixels for an 800-pixel image
. Computation cost for focus estimation increases proportional to N^2. Default w4.