6tunnel -V (return code: 1)
6tunnel: invalid option -- '-'
6tunnel -h (return code: 1)
usage: 6tunnel [-146dvh] [-s sourcehost] [-l localhost] [-i pass]
[-I pass] [-L limit] [-A filename] [-p pidfile]
[-m mapfile] localport remotehost [remoteport]
-1 allow only single connection and quit
-4 connect to IPv4 endpoints (default: connect to IPv6)
-6 bind to IPv6 address (default: bind to IPv4)
-d don't detach
-f force tunneling (even if remotehost isn't resolvable)
-h print hex dump of packets
-i act like irc proxy and ask for password
-I send specified password to the irc server
-l bind to specified address
-L limit simultaneous connections
-p write down pid to specified file
-s connect using specified address
-m read specified IPv4-to-IPv6 map file
-v be verbose