4g8 -V (return code: 1)
Version: 1.0
Author: Darren Bounds <dbounds@intrusense.com>
Website: http://forgate.sourceforge.net
4g8 --help (return code: 1)
Usage: 4g8 -i <device> -g <gw_ip> -G <gw_mac> -s <host_ip> -S <host_mac> [-w file] [-Xh]
-g gw_ip IP address of gateway to impersonate
-G gw_mac MAC address of gateway to impersonate
-s host_ip IP address of victim host
-S host_mac MAC address of victim host
-h Display this message
-i device Device to listen on
-w file Write captured data to file
-X Dump the packet in hex and ascii
Version: 1.0
Author: Darren Bounds <dbounds@intrusense.com>
Website: http://forgate.sourceforge.net