dirs - Without options, displays the list of currently remembered directoriesSYNOPSIS
dirs [-clpv] [+n] [-n]
Without options, displays the list of currently remembered directories. The default display is on a single line with directory names separated by spaces. Directories are added to the list with the pushd command; the popd command removes entries from the list. The current directory is always the first directory in the stack.
-c Clears the directory stack by deleting all of the entries.
-l Produces a listing using full pathnames; the default listing format uses a tilde to denote the home directory.
-p Print the directory stack with one entry per line.
-v Print the directory stack with one entry per line, prefixing each entry with its index in the stack.
+n Displays the nth entry counting from the left of the list shown by dirs when invoked without options, starting with zero.
-n Displays the nth entry counting from the right of the list shown by dirs when invoked without options, starting with zero.
The return value is 0 unless an invalid option is supplied or n indexes beyond the end of the directory stack.
This is extracted from the main bash man page, see there for more details.