helpmanual is a comprehensive, searchable and elegant online database of man pages and help pages.
If you have any corrections, suggestions or comments on missing pages please submit an issue on github.
The site currently contains 73,017 pages, made up of:
- 12724 help pages from executables
- 13625 packages from apt
- 15339 man1 pages (User Commands)
- 861 man2 pages (System calls)
- 23329 man3 pages (Library calls)
- 929 man4 pages (Special files)
- 782 man5 pages (File formats)
- 755 man6 pages (Games)
- 700 man7 pages (Miscellaneous)
- 1962 man8 pages (Admin commands)
- 1958 man9 pages (Kernel routines)
- 53 bash builtin pages
Use the search above to find the man or help page you're looking for.